January 24, 2018

STATE OF TEXAS              X


The Board of Managers of the Walker County Hospital District, Walker County, Texas met in a regular session, open to the public, Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Huntsville Memorial Hospital, Huntsville, Texas.

Members of the Board present included:

Chairman, Anne Woodard
Secretary, Jerry Larrison
Manager, Curtis Montgomery
Manager, David Toronjo

Vice Chairman, Judy Emmett was absent from this board meeting.

Also in attendance were:  Keli Molina, WCHD Administrative Assistant; guest Robert  Hardy; Joe Henderson, Attorney and Wade Thibodeaux, Walker County Press.

Agenda Item #1: Call meeting to order.

Chairman Woodard called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

Agenda Item #2: Consider approving the minutes for the Regular Meeting held December 06, 2017 and the Special Meeting held January 09, 2018.

Dr. Toronjo made a motion to approve the minutes for December 06, 2017.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mr. Larrison made a motion to approve the minutes for January 09, 2018. Dr. Toronjo made a second to the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #3: Comments from the public.  If you wish to address the Board of Managers, please register prior to the meeting being called to order.

None were made.

Executive Session:  The Board of Managers will convene in Executive Session to deliberate on Agenda Item #4 as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 and 551.072: Consultation with the District’s Attorney for review and discussion regarding a potential sale of various real estate property owned by the District.

Reconvene:  Open Session for action following executive session, if necessary.

Agenda Item #4: To consider and act upon third offer by the City of Huntsville to purchase the entire 6.324 acre campus “AS IS” of the old Huntsville Memorial Hospital property located on Avenue O in Huntsville, recently known as the Ella Smither Geriatric Center, such offer made pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 272.001(b)(5), which provisions authorize the sale by certain political entities to certain other political subdivisions without the Sealed Bid and Public Notice publication procedure being required, and Texas Special District’s Code Section 111.112, which authorizes the District to sell or otherwise dispose of any property on terms the Board finds are in the District’s best interest.

Jerry Larrison made a motion to accept the offer made by the City of Huntsville. There was no second made.  The motion failed.

Reconvene:  Open Session for action following executive session, if necessary. 

Executive Session: The Board of Managers will convene in Executive Session to deliberate on Agenda Item #5 as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.074: Perform the annual evaluation of the District’s part-time secretary regarding her performance, pay and benefits.

Agenda Item #5:  To consider and act upon a resolution to increase hourly pay and hours worked, with related benefits, to the District’s part-time office secretary in connection with the annual evaluation by the Board of Managers.

Dr. Montgomery made a motion to approve the district’s part-time secretary’s benefits. Mr. Larrison made a second. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #6: Consider approving payment of indigent care bills.

Keli Molina gave the Indigent care report. The indigent Care Bills total for this month are $24,881.85.  Dr. Toronjo made a motion for Chairman Anne Woodard to speak with the Jail Administrator and set up a meeting with them and also one of the WCHD Board Member’s to get a clear understanding of what the District is paying each month. Chairman Anne Woodard stated we would pay the bills for this month.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Montgomery. The motion passed 4-1 with Dr. Toronjo abstaining from payments until the Jail bills are understood.         

Agenda Item #7: Review and consider approving the monthly financial report.

The Statement of Revenues Expenditures for the month ending December 2017 were presented. Revenue for the month was $1,382,295.33 and expenditures were $680,923.63. Chairman Woodard made a motion to approve the financial report as presented.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Montgomery. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #8: Consider approving payment of monthly bills.

The amount of January 2018 monthly bills were $32,926.74. After some discussion and explanation of the itemized bills, Dr. Montgomery made a motion to pay the monthly bills as presented.  Mr. Larrison made a second to the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #9: Consider and approve proposed 2017 budget amendments.

Dr. Toronjo made a motion to approve the proposed 2017 budget amendments as presented. Dr. Montgomery made a second to the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #10: Approve recording of January 2018 budgeted indigent care expense in the amount of $576,664.00.

Chairman Woodard gave a brief review of the budgeted indigent care expenses. Dr. Montgomery made a motion to approve the recording of the monthly indigent care expense for January 2018. The motion was seconded by Dr. Toronjo.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item #11: Consider giving approval to Walker County Appraisal District to accept the bids received on the properties in trust owned by the taxing jurisdictions.

None were made.

Agenda Item #12: Comments and reports from managers and HMH administration.

No comments made.

Agenda Item #13: Adjourn meeting.

There being no further business, Chairman Woodard adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.


Chairman Anne Woodard

Walker County Hospital District


Attest: _______________________________

Jerry Larrison, Secretary

Walker County Hospital District